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Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2025, 18:41

Spearhead Retreat und Reinforcement

Das Internet ist sich einig:
Eine Einheit, die durch einen Retreat stirbt kann im selben Zug als Reinforcement wiederkommen.

Es gibt verschiedene Ansätze im Ende läuft es darauf hinaus, dass die neue Einheit nicht die ist, die gestorben ist, sondern was eigenes.

Some abilities allow you to set up a replacement unit. When setting up that unit, it should have the same warscroll type, weapon options and number of models as the original unit, unless otherwise specified in the ability. Many of these abilities specify the proportion of models in the replacement unit (e.g. half the number of models from the original unit).
In these cases, you can pick which models from the original unit are set up.
The replacement unit is otherwise treated as a new unit; any keywords or abilities the original unit gained during the battle, and any persisting effects that applied to it, do not apply to the replacement unit. Each unit can only be replaced once, and you cannot replace replacement units.

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Because a replacement unit is treated as a completely new unit, it could, for instance, use a Once Per Battle ability on its warscroll even if the unit it replaced used that ability earlier in the battle.

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